"DESCRIPTION 1"="This option causes Windows Explorer to open with a double-pane view rather than the single-pane by default."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="IMPORTANT! If you activate this option and later de-activate it again, it can happen that the right pane (File View) of Explorer disappears. This is a bug from Explorer, the right pane is still there but only 0 pixles width."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="To correct this issue, just move your mouse pointer from the right to the left until the move cursor (<->) appears. Then drag left and the right pane will appear again."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"=" "
'does anybody where this stuff comes from!?!?!?!
'AK: askSam(now)
sExpDoub="[ExploreFolder(""%l"", %I, %S)]"
sExpNorm="[ViewFolder(""%l"", %I, %S)]"
Sub Plugin_Initialize
if ucase(s)=ucase(sExpDoub) then SetUIElement 1,true